Warrants in Georgia
Some criminal offenses, like sex crimes, are not often caught in the act. Once an accuser comes to the police, a warrant may be issued for the arrest of the alleged perpetrator. If you have been informed that there is a possibility of a warrant for your arrest in Gwinnett County, Georgia, a criminal defense attorney can make arrangements with the court on your behalf. This can prevent a public scene where you are arrested at your home or place of employment. Instead, you may be able to arrive at the county jail or the courthouse represented by your attorney. You may even be allowed to turn yourself in and post bond to stay out of jail, depending on the facts of your pending criminal case and the discretion of the judge it has been assigned to.
In Georgia, warrants are issued when someone who has been charged with a crime fails to attend his or her scheduled court appearance. These are commonly called bench warrants. If a court has issued a warrant against you, it is extremely important that you contact an Atlanta criminal law attorney right away. Bench warrants are very serious, and the consequences can be disruptive at best and life-changing at worst.
Bench warrants are issued for numerous reasons, including situations such as:
- Failure to appear in court
- Failure to pay fines such as traffic or parking tickets
- Failure to comply with a subpoena requesting your testimony in court
- Delays or refusal to pay court-ordered alimony or child support
You should note that most people who are arrested on a bench warrant are arrested in the course of their daily lives. These arrests often occur during a traffic stop, roadblock, or other minor incidents. There are even some cases where the individual does not know that a bench warrant has been issued until they are arrested.
Getting Help with Your Bench Warrant Case
If you are the subject of a bench warrant, you need the skills and expertise of an attorney who is familiar with the court system, including the objectives of the prosecution and defense. At Giannini Law Office, our Atlanta criminal law attorney has the knowledge and experience you need to understand your rights and options, such as having a warrant lifted, recalled, or set aside. Never settle for the first option without understanding the benefits or consequences thoroughly first.
Contact Our Atlanta Criminal Law Attorney
If you are the subject of a bench warrant and you want to learn more about how we can advocate on your behalf and get the best results possible, contact Giannini Law Office today for a no-obligation consultation.
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(770) 637-5505